A Cuban man's viral reaction to his daughter's proposal to move out of Miami

A Cuban man's amusing reaction when his daughter suggests that he move away from Miami to be closer to her.

Miami is Miami! A Cuban dad is clear that he wouldn't leave the city, not even to live closer to his daughter. This is what he made clear in a phone conversation with a Cuban woman, which she uploaded to TikTok in a video that has gone viral and sparked a debate among platform users.

The protagonist of this viral video is the user @lazaraisis, who called her father to suggest that he move from Miami to the city where she lives, Port Charlotte, in Florida, but he is clear about it: Miami is wealthy!

"Daughter, you are crazy," her father says with a laugh. But his daughter insists that they move closer to her. "Miami is crazy now, there are so many people, traffic is terrible. Every time I call you, you are arguing because someone cuts you off," she says. When his daughter asks him what good he sees in the city, the man replies, "Miami is rich. Not there [Port Charlotte]. Miami is the best, my life."

The recording has caught the attention of thousands of users, who have shared their opinions on the topic of life in Miami. The comments show that there are two types of Cubans: those who adore Miami and those who seek more tranquility outside the popular city.

Tell the cigar smoker that now there are two of us, Miami is the best and let the others criticize. When you leave Miami, you even miss the traffic. I love Port Charlotte, a great place to live. Quiet and clean, everything is very organized. As long as it's not for Texas. They're already trying to invade Texas. I have visited Port Charlotte and it is a beautiful city, just like Cape Coral and Fort Myers. But nothing compares to Miami, I understand your father. Miami is a piece of crap! Very expensive and it's like being in Cuba.

What is your opinion?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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