Cuban who lived in Miami for almost 12 years: "It was not a place to progress and move forward"

A Cuban woman reflects on life in Miami, the city that welcomed her after emigrating from Cuba.

In a recent TikTok video, a Cuban woman shared her mixed feelings about the city of Miami, which was her first home in the United States after emigrating from Cuba. The woman, who lived in Miami for almost 12 years, explains that while she does not reject the city that welcomed her, she no longer considers it the ideal place to live.

"I am not going to complain about Miami, the city that welcomed me when I arrived from Cuba. Right now, I only miss my friends in Miami. I lived there for almost 12 years, but there came a moment when I felt that it wasn't the same, it wasn't a place to progress and move forward," he comments in the video.

I can't stand Miami as a place to live, but I have to admit that it is a very beautiful and cheerful city, with many options," he added, pointing out that it is not a suitable place to raise a family due to the fast-paced lifestyle and high cost of living.

I feel that Miami is for a certain part of your life. I arrived young, single, and without children, I enjoyed the city. But when you have children, especially if you want something peaceful, it is no longer a good place to raise a family.

Finally, the Cuban woman concludes by saying that although she enjoys visiting Miami and seeing her friends, she prefers the tranquility of her new life outside of Miami, where she feels she has more opportunities to get ahead. "Right now, with everything as it is, it's very difficult to get ahead, to buy something, all the things one dreams of. I didn't come to Miami to eat a piece of Cuban bread, now you get to any city up north and there's a Cuban store. I can't stand living in Miami, but I like going on weekends and seeing my friends."

This type of videos is common to see on TikTok, where many Cubans discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in different cities in the United States.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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