A Cuban woman graduates from Harvard: "Nothing is enough to repay my parents' sacrifice."

The Cuban Layra Valdés graduated from Harvard's School of Dental Medicine and is getting ready to serve in the Air Force. Get to know her inspiring story.

Graduación de Layra Valdés © Instagram Harvard School Dental Medicine
Graduation of Layra ValdésPhoto © Instagram Harvard School Dental Medicine

Layra de la Caridad Valdés Ramírez, a young Cuban born in Havana, graduated from the Harvard School Dental Medicine (HSDM) and dedicated that achievement to her parents.

According to the recently graduated student, those who have made a great sacrifice for her to succeed in the United States have been her parents, who gave up their professional careers and emigrated to give her the opportunity to have a better future.

Layra Valdés and her parents / Image for CiberCuba

"My mother went from being the director of a laboratory in a hospital to cleaning bathrooms as a housekeeper. My father, who has a Master's degree in Chemistry, works in a warehouse. It was hard for them to learn a new language and they still struggle every day to communicate," Layra expressed.

That's why each of my achievements is for them. My assignment as captain in the United States Air Force (USAF) and everything is for you. It will never be enough to repay your sacrifice, but I will do my best, every day, to make you feel proud," he expressed.

Layra is 27 years old and has shown exceptional dedication to dentistry. She stands out for her passion in serving underserved communities, where she has used Spanish, her native language, to establish better communication with patients.

The interest in dentistry arose during his childhood in Havana, when his orthodontist turned a terrifying experience into something fun. This awakened his admiration for these healthcare professionals and his desire to heal others.

Valdés and his family / Image sent to CiberCuba

In HSDM, he stood out not only for his academic performance, but also for his commitment to the advancement of science and the oral health care of people.

At the Hispanic Student Dental Association of HSDM, she led efforts to translate dental and medical infographics, making the information more accessible to Spanish-speaking patients.

Valdés and his study partners / Image sent to CiberCuba.

Organized dentistry courses for providers in order to facilitate communication with Spanish-speaking patients.

His graduation was in May, but he already has complex challenges ahead. Valdés plans to join the United States Air Force to continue his service as a healthcare professional and pursue a residency in orthodontics.

Layra Valdés is an inspiring example for Cubans in the United States. Her life has not been without obstacles, but she has managed to chart a path and not stop until conquering each of her goals step by step.

Dedication to studies can transform lives and communities. This Cuban’s story is a reminder of the positive impact immigrants can have on the society that welcomes them.

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