Cuban living in Texas after living in Florida compares rental prices: "That doesn't exist in Miami"

A Cuban woman who moved from Miami to Texas shares on TikTok her experience comparing the rental prices in both cities.

A Cuban woman in the United States couldn't be happier after making the decision to move from Miami to Texas, as she revealed in a TikTok video that has gone viral among the Cuban community on the social network. The reason: the cost of rent, a stark contrast between the two areas of the country.

The TikTok user @yilynubiapedro compared the rents in the two cities, showing a significant price difference.

After ten months living in Texas, this Cuban woman encouraged people considering leaving Miami due to its high prices to move to another city. "My rent increased a lot in Miami. There, I paid $1,750 for a one-bedroom apartment. That apartment is now being rented for almost $2,600," commented this Cuban woman who lives on the outskirts of Houston.

I just received the renewal of the apartment I have in Texas, on the outskirts of Houston. An apartment renovation with the same price. That doesn't exist in Miami. The last time I renewed in Miami, they increased it by 300 dollars above what they charged me. Here I have an apartment with a kitchen, spacious living room, dining room, a room for my daughter, two bathrooms, the master bedroom. For this, I pay less than a thousand dollars," said this Cuban, showing her home.

This video has sparked debate on the social network, where some users commented that, indeed, housing prices in Miami are very high and that those who do not consider Texas as an option to live are undervaluing it.

"You did well in Miami, one cannot live there, it's like never having left Cuba," "My husband and I are thinking of leaving Florida. We live near Tampa, but everything is expensive here too," or "We left Miami a year and a half ago, and it has been the best decision," are some of the messages.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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