Man neck-deep in water in Havana asks the government to show face: "Homeland and Life"

The government's response has been slow to the recent floods in Havana. Vulnerable people are urging authorities to take action in face of the crisis.

A man, with water up to his neck due to the floods in the neighborhood of Jesús María, in Old Havana, asked the government to step up, to come and rescue the elderly and vulnerable people who are in danger.

This area is full of old buildings in terrible structural condition that could collapse with water. From a balcony, the cry of "Homeland and Life" was heard, as this Cuban demanded accountability from the authorities.

"I am not afraid to tell you the truth! What are you talking about? There are elderly people here! There are elders who need you. Where are you? Earn the 7 thousand and 8 thousand pesos that you earn," the man shouted at the authorities.

The author of the video and the identity of the protester are unknown. The short video has been shared by several profiles on social media and has gone viral.

This Saturday, sudden floods in Havana affected thousands of homes in the Cuban capital. Over 56 millimeters of rain fell in three hours.

In the videos, you can see people in Old Havana, swimming among the floating trash, and helping to rescue neighbors. The images have something in common, there are no firefighters or any rescuers in these heartbreaking scenes.

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