The Pichy Boys reject the Miami Marlins event: "This exile has a memory and there are more of us worthy Cubans"

"Until management publicly apologizes to the Cuban community, we ask all worthy Cubans to never return to the stadium."

Los Pichy Boys © Los Pichy Boys / Facebook
Los Pichy Boys Photo © Los Pichy Boys / Facebook

Los Pichy Boys issued an official statement in which they reject any event that includes the Miami Marlins, regarding the celebration of Cuban Heritage Day on May 18 at LoanDepot Park.

The duo of comedians shared the text on their networks, where they recalled what happened last year during the V World Baseball Classic, when in a Cuba-USA game the Marlins prevented fans wearing sweaters with the slogan Homeland and Life from entering the stadium.

"This exile has memory and there are more of us worthy Cubans," said Alejandro González and Maikel Rodríguez on their Instagram account.

The actors are very critical of the team's behavior and in their message one perceives the questioning of the artists who have accepted the invitation to attend the event at the Marlins stadium.

"Respect for the Cuban exile in Miami must be something that is in the blood of every Cuban who emigrates to this city," the text says.

"For us Cubans, everything, absolutely everything! is politics! Art, sports, everything! We left our beautiful Cuba because of political problems! We did not come to Miami because of the climate or to eat bread with steak ", say the comedians.

The Pichy Boys stressed that every time the exile is disrespected, the duty of Cubans is to defend it.

"We want to make clear in this statement, once again, our rejection of any event that includes the Miami Marlins," the document adds.

"The unfortunate events that occurred during the World Classic and the way in which a part of our exile was treated were not up to par and until the management publicly apologizes to the Cuban community, I ask all worthy Cubans to never Let's go back to the stadium," they concluded.

Last year, the duo asked their fans to boycott the team by stopping attending their games until they apologize, a decision they maintain this season.

"They have not yet apologized to the Cubans of South Florida for 'having dropped their pants' in the face of the Castro-Canel dictatorship. They continue to run campaigns with Cuban artists and influencers who are only motivated by the interest of $$$... ", they reported days ago.

One of the artists who confirmed his participation in the event on May 18 is the singer Leoni Torres, who will be in charge of singing the Cuban national anthem, which has earned him endless criticism.

"I'm not doing it for the Marlins, I'm doing it for the oppressed Cubans in our land. The struggle anthem must be sung where everyone can see it," said the artist, who assures that going to the Marlins stadium to sing the anthem is his way of supporting freedom.

Coinciding with the position of Los Pichy Boys is the professional boxer Yordenis Ugás, who rejected the invitation to participate in the event for Cuban Heritage Day.

"Many Cubans are dissatisfied and offended with this situation. In the dictatorship they humiliated us. In freedom we do not want, nor will we allow the same. Exile is respected. We have an exile full of families of political prisoners and those killed at sea. If in the future the Marlins They want to fix this, recognize their mistake and apologize to our community, I am fully willing to be a bridge and participate. Never again will one of my feet be there until that happens," he stressed.

In March of last year, after the disgraceful incident that occurred during the Classic, the baseball team defended itself by saying that the politics of the event banned political messages at all games and in all facilities.

Francis Suárez, mayor of Miami, assured that he would investigate the causes for which the security of the LoanDepot Park stadium changed its policy regarding the entry of fans with banners with slogans against the Cuban regime.

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