The Cuban Odyssey: Young person returns from Mexico and faces food shortages

The young man went to a store and the only thing he was able to buy was a five-liter jug of water, a bottle of lemon juice, and a package of chicken breasts.

A Cuban resident in Mexico who traveled to the Island to visit his family was extremely outraged to see the scarcity and the extremely high prices of food.

The TikTok user who identifies himself on his account as Michel Crónicas shared a video upon leaving a store where the only thing he could buy was a five-liter bottle of water, a bottle of lemon juice, and a pack of chicken breasts.

It is a constant daily struggle in Cuba to get some food. (...) There was a huge line at the store because they had brought out chicken breasts, only one package per person was allowed," he said.

Upon arriving home, his mother Alina specifically addressed the situation of the retirees, who with their meager pensions cannot cope with the prices of food items in either stores or agromarkets, and she thanked her son for the help he provides.

"Sadly, it's a challenge to eat a plate of food here in Cuba," he stated.

Alina was visiting Mexico with Michel and returned to Cuba to get her husband out and take him definitively to Mexico.

Michel posted a video of his mother at a supermarket in Mexico City, where mother and son were buying products to take to their family in Cuba.

Alina has been to Mexico on other occasions as a guest of Michel.

In September, the YouTuber documented his visit to a supermarket, where the woman was very surprised by the quantity and variety of products, such as mayonnaises and vegetable oils.

"How many brands, Michel, this is too much," she said.

Then he was amazed at the prices: "In Cuba, this bottle already costs 500 pesos."

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