Andy Vázquez at the regime's doorstep: "I am not the one mocking the Cuban people, it is those who are leading you."

The popular comedian addresses an attack against him and shows the life of luxury and excess that the leaders of Havana and their relatives allow themselves.

The Cuban comedian Andy Vázquez did a live stream on Facebook in which he addresses the criticisms he has received from the authorities of the government of Havana, after reposting a photo of himself from 2019 where he showed two bottles of oil... purchased at the Vento and Camagüey store.

Apparently, internet users loyal to the regime believed that Vázquez was showing off products purchased in Miami, where he has been residing for several years.

The comedian confronted them in a decisive manner and showed them, with images taken from the social media accounts of the Cuban rulers and their relatives, who are the ones openly mocking the Cuban people.

"I want to make a 'clarification' to the catfish serving me - he began. As I said, I am clear of everything. I am at home, with my family, drinking my sugar, and yesterday I put up this post: 'Get on or you'll miss out.' This is in a store with half of the stalls empty, a market obviously in Cuba, in Boyeros and Camagüey, in 2019."

In the booth, empty spaces appear between the oil bottles, and Vázquez clarifies to the recipients that this cannot be Miami: "Unless there is a cyclone, (the booths) rarely stay empty."

According to him, when he posted the image, "all the clarias, as they have the order to attack me, came out saying: 'You are mocking the people of Cuba'".

Asere, it is necessary that you talk to the bosses who give you the minced meat and tell them to change. It cannot be that 300 catfish, with their profiles of peacocks, palms, tocororos, zunzuns, start telling me the same thing: 'You are making fun of the Cuban people'. To all of them I say: It is your leaders who are making fun of the Cuban people, when they go to your neighborhood and you shout 'Canel, for whatever!’, without having oil in your house, and he goes to his own and keeps buying watches worth thousands of dollars and handbags for his wife.

Vázquez recalled that the only thing he and his followers do for the humble people in Cuba is to help: "We bought a house for a lady; we have filled a woman who ate a cat because she was hungry with food; we have done a thousand things that I don't post on social media, and right now we are helping a young boy who has very sick legs, I already have the money here so he can go to Spain for surgery; those are the things I do for the people of Cuba, not to make fun."

The comedian pointed out that, if the intention were to speculate, he could display Spanish sausages, Haagen Dasz ice creams, pata negra ham, milk - "Raúl promised a glass of milk and they have taken it away from the children" -, etc., but not a bottle of oil.

Subsequently, he began to show images of those who, he claimed, are the ones who do mock the people.

Look at Mariela Castro eating lobster, which you have never seen in your life, claria, nor has the Cuban people. There we have Tony Castro, with his feijoada, his food, his beer, his fish, in his mansions. There we have Fifín (Fidel Castro), grilling lobsters, which you will never see. There we have the son of Marrerito (Prime Minister Manuel Marrero), who wanted to come to the US and was told no, traveling in a private jet that you pay for with your work while they enjoy it.

Other photos show Sandro Castro, grandson of Fidel Castro, showing off his Mercedes Benz; another grandson of the dictator strolling around Europe and yachting; Tony Castro having fun in Turkey with a group of friends.

All those photos are out there. They publish them. You will say, 'It's a lie'. Go to Sandro Castro's profile right now, I just downloaded it, and look at the photo he is posting in the middle of the pandemic (cooking paella); and diving in Varadero, and in Cancun, in the empire suit (with a Batman suit), at his party in his bars.

A photo of Sandro's girlfriend's cat is included: "There we have the little cat that eats yogurt in the morning, from a little pot, from the shopping," and others of President Díaz-Canel: at a dinner, wearing Levi's jeans - "he really likes American brands" - with a watch worth 1750 dollars..., and of the First Lady's handbag - "each one costs 6,000, 7,000 or 10,000 dollars".

"These are the ones mocking you, claria," she concludes. "I am not the one mocking the Cuban people; it's those who are leading you."

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