Jacob Forever reunites with his sister in Houston and meets his niece.

The Cuban singer has been enjoying his family in Houston.

Jacob Forever © Instagram / Jacob Forever
Jacob ForeverPhoto © Instagram / Jacob Forever

Jacob Forever is professionally unstoppable, and this past weekend he was in Houston singing his hits to his Texas audience. A trip in which he took the opportunity to reunite with his family and enjoy time with them.

The Cuban singer showed it on his Instagram profile, where he shared some photos in the stories section enjoying his family.

"My little sister, what joy to see you again," wrote the singer of "Hasta que se seque el Malecón" about a photo with his sister. In addition, during his visit, he was able to meet his niece.

"I finally met you, my beautiful niece," he commented on a photo in which he is seen playing with a little girl.

Instagram screenshot

Undoubtedly, an unforgettable weekend for El Inmortal, who had El Taiger at his concert in Houston. In his Instagram profile, he shared a video in which we can see them sharing the stage. Some images that have sparked a lot of discussion on social media due to El Taiger's physique.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the University Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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