Cuban woman about the beaches in Spain: "You won't find a single barrel floating in the water."

The beach that even though is cold, refreshes you.

A young TikToker from Cuba shared her observations about Spanish beaches, based on her experience of growing up hearing that Cuban beaches were the best in the world.

The Cuban influencer (@iam_lianet) started by pointing out on TikTok the fact that Spanish beaches have public restrooms. She finds this detail to be a great advantage, as it ensures there are no hygiene issues in the water.

The cleaning of the beaches was another important point, as well as "chiringuitos," small beachfront restaurants that operate all day and which he described as "the best summer invention." He also talked about the garbage containers and their large capacity, ensuring that they do not overflow and keep the beach clean.

Finally, he highlighted the presence of lifeguards on Spanish beaches and that, even though the waters may be cold, it can be refreshing on hot summer days.

The reactions to its publication were varied, including praise and also some comments. "The most beautiful ones because they don't know those of Fuerteventura," pointed out one user. Another commented that the beaches in the north, Cadiz, and Ibiza are truly spectacular.

In response to the question of where she was, because there was trash on the beaches, she explained that she had recorded the video on a beach in Catalonia just after the celebration of San Juan, when the cleaning had been thorough.

What do you think?


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