Amid the fuel crisis and the deterioration of public transportation, the Cuban government is placing its hopes on alternative means such as the first five electric minibusses - or ecomobiles - that are circulating on the streets of the province of Sancti Spiritus.
Built in the plants of the Colonel Francisco Aguiar Military Industrial Company (EMI), these vehicles have all the parts of their structure and bodywork locally made, a fact that directly affects job creation, according to Cuba's Minister of Transportation, Eduardo Rodríguez Dávila, in a post on the social network Facebook.
These minibuses are joining electric taxis, another proposal that has been spreading across the entire country in recent years to meet the demand for short-distance transportation and alleviate the flow of passengers on buses.
According to the head of the Ministry of Transportation (Mitrans), the results of the service monitoring demonstrate the positive impact of this mode of transportation, with each one making between 10 and 17 trips per day, depending on the route and the condition of the batteries.
According to the minister's publication, currently, there is work being done on assembling fifty new units financed by the Transport Sustainability Fund of the Ministry of Transportation.
Work is being done on the 50 frames (the internal skeleton that provides support, rigidity, and shape). There are already 35 ready, and work is being done on the structures that will be assembled to them. Fronts, roofs, sides, seats, seat bases, and floors, made of fiberglass, with 100 percent national manufacturing," he pointed out.
With the expectation of delivering the vehicles ready in August, the official pointed out that the project is being developed by a specialized brigade, made up of welders, helpers, workshop mechanics, automotive mechanics, electricians, painters, and a team leader.
"In our last government visit last week, we agreed to organize the hiring of the next components and to include solar panels for electric charging, so that it is truly clean and autonomous technology," Rodríguez revealed.
As a proof of the effectiveness of this transportation, the first prototype called VES002 circulated through the streets of Sancti Spiritus in April of last year. It also had a capacity for 11 passengers, plus the driver and the conductor.
In recent days, the government announced the creation of electric tricycles that will have high technology and will be equipped with integrated solar panels, dedicated to transporting passengers. In addition, they will expand the regime's propaganda network with an integrated communication system aimed at disseminating social interest topics through its two screens and audio equipment.
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