An electric pole falls on a bus in Havana.

The incident caused damage to the right side of the windshield and the front door of the bus.

Conductor y mujer en el ómnibus y poste sobre el ómnibus © Choferes de Ómnibus por Siempre / Facebook
Bus driver and woman on the bus and sign above the busPhoto © Bus Drivers Forever / Facebook

An electrical pole fell on an articulated public transport bus in Havana without any reported injuries.

Photo: Facebook / Bus Drivers Forever / Orialys García

The incident occurred in the early hours of Thursday to Friday in the area of Café Colón, in the municipality of Diez de Octubre.

Photo: Facebook / Bus Drivers Forever / Orialys García

The internet user Orialys García shared several photos in the Facebook group "Ómnibus Drivers Forever".

Facebook screenshot / Bus Drivers Forever / Orialys García

In the images, several workers are seen removing the pole from on top of the bus.

Photo: Facebook / Bus Drivers Forever / Orialys García

The incident caused damage to the right side of the windshield and the front door.

Photo: Facebook / Bus Drivers Forever / Orialys García

Can someone explain to me how, if the pole fell close to the accordion, the windshield and front door got smashed? I don't understand anything. I think there is something else going on there, investigate thoroughly," he said.

If that had been the case, it is not the first time that a truck or bus has collided with an electricity post on Cuban streets.

It has not been three months yet since the driver of an urban bus, who allegedly was driving drunk, crashed into a concrete pole on a central street in the city of Camagüey.

The independent journalist Jose Luis Tan Estrada reported on Facebook that "a drunk driver crashed into an electric pole on Avellaneda Street this Saturday."

According to several neighbors, the man was driving the bus out of control, luckily without any passengers on board. No injuries were reported in the incident.

In January 2022, a public lighting pole fell onto the front part of a state-owned Lada car on a street in Havana. Fortunately, the incident did not cause any injuries.

The incident occurred after 3:00 pm in Luyanó y Concha.

"The electric pole was rotten at the base where it was fixed on the sidewalk and broke," said a witness, who was relieved that luckily it did not fall on any pedestrian or motorcyclist.

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