Cuban with renal insufficiency denounces authorities' abandonment in Santiago de Cuba.

The communicator Yosmany Mayeta Labrada published the story on his Facebook page and revealed the sad situation: "It is regrettable to see a healthy person struggle, it is unfair to witness sick people have these shortages."

The Cuban Fermín Patterson Quintana, a patient with chronic kidney failure, denounced the authorities' abandonment in Santiago de Cuba and the multiple difficulties he has to overcome to be treated at the Juan Bruno Zayas Clinical Surgical Hospital.

The communicator Yosmany Mayeta Labrada published the story on his Facebook page and revealed the sad situation: “It is regrettable to see a healthy person struggle, it is unfair to witness sick people have these lacks,” he wrote.

Facebook post/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

Patterson, meanwhile, revealed in a video that he has had to get up very early and leave on his own in the early hours of the morning, even in the rain, to get to therapy.

Right now I am in the treatment that I arrived soaked in because I came on a motorcycle from here a few days ago and have already spent 800 pesos just on the motorcycle, because it's the only transportation I can use to get around, because on the bus, they can hurt me," he recounted about his ordeal.

Tired of so many inconveniences, he expressed, "It's a lack of respect and insensitivity from everyone, nobody cares about us, maybe because we have a terminal illness, that's why we could pass away at any moment. Maybe that's why nobody cares about us."

For this very reason, the communicator Mayeta made an appeal for "reflection, attention, and an invocation of reason. I will not talk about politics, even though everything is political in Cuba. This is too much and it needs to stop now!".

In December 2023, a desperate Cuban mother's plea for help with a catheter for her son circulated on social media. Her son suffers from renal insufficiency and undergoes hemodialysis.

Two months earlier, another mother asked for help for her 15-year-old daughter, also with chronic renal insufficiency and waiting for a kidney transplant for years.

Mirnellis Saldívar reported on her Facebook wall that the child got sick when she was seven years old and has been ready for a transplant since 2019.

While in August of the same year, another mother begged for help to obtain a humanitarian visa for her son with chronic renal failure in the terminal phase.

The Cuban Maylin Rueda Sevila, through the social media of the dancer and choreographer Noly Blak, made a desperate plea to raise funds so that her nine-year-old son could obtain a humanitarian visa and undergo surgery in the United States.

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