Power outages in Cuba increase due to a breakdown at the Antonio Guiteras Thermoelectric Plant.

Power outages are on the rise again in Cuba, and the disruptions can last for several days.

Termoeléctrica Antonio Guiteras de Matanzas © José Miguel Solís / Facebook
Antonio Guiteras Thermoelectric Power Plant in MatanzasPhoto © José Miguel Solís / Facebook

Cubans will suffer major blackouts this Thursday due to the shutdown of the Antonio Guiteras Thermoelectric Power Plant (CTE) because of issues with the boiler.

The official journalist Lázaro Manuel Alonso reported, through his Facebook account, that an increase in power outages in the country is expected.

On Thursday night, a large part of the Cuban population will be affected by a deficit of 960 MW. The main reason for this situation is a new breakdown of the boiler at the TCE Guiteras.

Authorities estimate that this plant will be out of operation for a period of four days, further exacerbating the country's energy situation.

Facebook Electric Union UNE

In its daily report, the Cuban Electric Union stated: "The CTE Antonio Guiteras will go out of service in the morning due to a boiler breakdown. A maximum impact of 550 MW is estimated by midday."

Currently in Cuba, units 5 of the CTE Mariel (in the start-up process), unit 2 of the CTE Santa Cruz, and unit 2 of the CTE Felton are experiencing breakdowns. Additionally, unit 1 of the CTE Santa Cruz is undergoing maintenance.

The limitations in thermal generation persist, reaching 508 MW on this day. Additionally, 50 distributed generation plants are out of service due to fuel issues along with the Regla barge, resulting in a total of 478 MW affected by this situation.

During this Thursday's peak hours, the government estimates that it will achieve the connection of Unit 5 of the CTE Máximo Gómez to the National Electric System with 60 MW. If the forecast is met, tonight there will be an availability of 2,010 MW and a maximum demand of 2,900 MW, with an impact of 960 MW.

It is recommended that the population takes the necessary precautions and stays alert for future official announcements about the status of the electrical service.

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