The beloved Cuban actress Jacqueline Arenal dedicated some beautiful words to her daughter Camila on her birthday, through an emotional message on Instagram, where she shared her joy and pride, highlighted her daughter's exceptional qualities, and wished her the best in this new stage of her life.
This wonderful being who is my daughter and a huge part of me is celebrating her birthday today, and all I can say once again is: Thank you for everything," the actress wrote in her heartfelt congratulations.
Seeing her transformed into the wonderful woman she is: empathetic, profound, intelligent, hardworking, and a fighter to the core, with a beauty that radiates from within, where her infinite love for everyone she touches makes us believe that greatness exists, made me the luckiest and proudest mother in the world and to love you, Camy, without borders, without end, without limits," she added of the young woman and the blessing of having her and witnessing and being a part of her growth.
In his message, Arenal also expressed his best wishes for his daughter in this new year of life: "May you have today, in this new journey around the sun, everything that the amazing human being you are deserves. Enjoy those dreams that are already open and shining, and for which you have worked so hard. May the new surprises that your profession brings allow everyone to enjoy your talent and all the efforts you have made to always strive for more and never stay in the comfort zone."
The Verena of the Cubans ended her words with a warm greeting and the promise to toast to her: "Happy birthday my treasure in the midst of work, be very happy and also celebrate with those great friends who love you and whom you love so much. I will toast to you today, almost on the verge of melting into a huge, love-filled hug with you!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!".
On the internet, where she shared a precious photo of Camila - also daughter of Mijail Mulkay - the congratulations and good wishes towards the birthday girl quickly appeared.
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