"Shakira, watch out because your successor has arrived": Pollito Tropical stirs up social media dancing to the 'Rosa qué linda eres trend'.

In less than a day, the post has surpassed 80,000 likes.

Wearing a snug and flattering black outfit and with her sensual movements as the main focus, Pollito Tropical has unleashed madness on social media by dancing by a pool to the "Rosa qué linda eres trend."

The reactions could not have been more eloquent, and at the time of this note, the likes exceeded 80,000 and the comments were more than 1,800.

Instagram / Tropical Chicken

"Chick, when are you getting the gun?"; "He moves better than I do"; "You did a great job with the backyard of your house"; "The Cuban Shakira"; "Shakira, tremble because your successor has arrived," some said.

"Girl, what a flavor"; "Give it all to me," others commented in the comments, where there were no shortage of allusions to her spectacular appearance and good wishes: "She has the physique of a woman, a very cute body"; "I love you, you are a very intelligent and humane person, hopefully someday I can meet you, give you a hug and say 'happy and blessed day'"; "That little chicken is well seasoned, but what a flavor"; "My darling little chicken, how beautiful the pool pergola looks, I adore you," others added.

The expressions of admiration did not stop there: "I wish I could be 5% as sensual as you are," "I love the way you are and the faces even more," "You have a beautiful body," "I love everything about that outfit," "You are amazing, blessings and good health to you," they said in the reactions where, although there were the usual messages of hate and disparagement, praises and shows of affection continue to appear.

What do you think?


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