Will the democrats announce another candidate after Biden's disaster in the presidential debate in the US?

President Biden had trouble stringing his messages together, struggled with his voice, stumbled several times, and left sentences incomplete. The audience doubts whether he is fit to lead the country.

Presidente Joe Biden © Captura de imagen en CNN
President Joe BidenPhoto © Screenshot on CNN

The recent presidential debate in the United States, between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, has sparked a wave of criticism and doubts about the current president's ability to continue as the Democratic Party's candidate.

Biden's slip-ups, his hoarse voice, and his apparent confusion at various moments of the live televised meeting have raised concern among his followers and within his own party.

During the debate, Biden showed difficulties in maintaining the thread of the conversation and stumbled several times, which was quickly seized upon by Trump, who appeared confident and energetic.

As a result of this disastrous debate, some members of the Democratic Party have started to consider the possibility of replacing Biden as a candidate.

Although this idea may seem extreme, it is not entirely impossible within the American political system. Democrats could choose to change the rules of the national convention, scheduled for August, which would allow them to select a new candidate if Biden were to decide to withdraw before the event.

Telemundo warns that this situation, although unlikely, could trigger an intense internal battle within the party. In theory, the National Democratic Committee has the authority to modify the rules and allow a change of candidate if a majority of its members decide so.

Another key figure in this process are the superdelegates, who have the freedom to vote for any candidate without being tied to the results of the primaries.

However, such a drastic change at this point in the campaign is unlikely due to the possible repercussions and internal chaos it could generate.

Among the names that have emerged as possible substitutes for Biden is the Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, but he has publicly expressed his unconditional support for the current president, stating that the party is united in backing him.

Some people wonder what would happen if Joe Biden were to resign from the presidency. In that case, Vice President Kamala Harris would automatically become president, but she would not necessarily be the Democratic Party's candidate for the elections.

Harris would not have automatic benefits over other candidates and would need to win the majority of delegates at the convention.

If the candidacy were to become vacant after the convention, she must obtain the majority of votes from the National Democratic Committee. The party's current rules do not give her any automatic advantages, although they could be reviewed in dramatic situations.

Replacing a presidential candidate in the middle of a campaign is a herculean and unprecedented task in the modern history of the United States. Nevertheless, the pressure on Biden and his team is palpable.

The uncertainty generated by his performance in the debate has led to reflecting on the viability of his candidacy and the possible alternatives that the party must consider.

While the Democratic Party faces a critical decision, the possibility of a candidate change remains remote, but not impossible.

Biden's ability to regain the trust of his followers and to present strong leadership in the coming months will be crucial in defining the course of his candidacy and the party in the November elections.

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