Alberto Reyes: Fidelity to an ideology cannot demand going against justice, freedom, and citizen prosperity.

In Cuba, it is possible to love the Marxist ideology, prefer the socialist model, opt for the Communist Party. It is a right, but it cannot make one deny the obvious.

  • CiberCuba Editing

Sacerdote cubano Alberto Reyes © Alberto Reyes / Facebook
Cuban priest Alberto ReyesPhoto © Alberto Reyes / Facebook

Priest Alberto Reyes, a fervent critic of the regime, shared a text this Friday in which he calls for reflection on what position those in Cuba who continue to defend the socialist model should take, despite the serious crisis affecting the country.

Father Reyes pointed out that loving the Marxist ideology or being a member of the Communist Party is a right, but that cannot lead to denying the obvious: that daily life is very difficult, with shortages of basic products and high prices, repression of those who demand a political change, a collapsed educational system, and a disturbing increase in violence.

Reyes, from the diocese of Camagüey, stated on his Facebook profile that if defending an ideology implies going against justice, freedom, and citizen prosperity, those who accept that demand choose to be complicit in evil not out of loyalty, but out of submission and servility.

Next, CiberCuba shares the full text of the publication:

I have been thinking... (LXXV) by Alberto Reyes Pías

I have been thinking about the difference between partisanship and social evidence.

'Catatimia' is a psychological term used to designate situations in which a person experiences such a great emotional burden that they are unable to correctly evaluate the reality in front of them. Instead, they cling to the illusions of their mind, considering as real what they want to believe, what they wish to exist, rather than what actually exists. Don't we often say, for example, that 'love is blind'?

Love, fear, uncertainty... can become so intense in the human being that they make them deny the evident reality in front of them, or evaluate it based on emotions rather than reason.

Today, in Cuba, you can love the Marxist ideology, you can prefer the socialist model, you can choose the Communist Party, you can offer your life for our political leaders... All of this is a right, but it's a right that cannot blind reason or make the obvious denied.

And what is evident? What is it that reality presents to us every day?

Facebook screenshot / Alberto Reyes

That daily life is extremely difficult: food is priced well above people's purchasing power, medicines are scarce or unavailable, transportation is difficult and expensive, salaries do not allow for acquiring what is necessary for life...

That when a person publicly expresses their discontent or advocates for a change in the social situation, they are threatened, harassed, or imprisoned.

Due to the absence of separation between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, all power is concentrated and managed by the government's partisan bodies, which compromises the justice system in favor of the decisions of the ruling Party, meaning that an individual who disagrees with the current political system could be unjustly and with impunity condemned.

That the educational system has collapsed and is unable to provide quality education.

That the health system is inefficient and precarious, and cannot meet the medical needs of the population.

That there is a alarming increase in violence and aggression, with a significant rise in burglaries, murders, and femicides.

That emigration has become a common reality in our families, with its inevitable consequences of abandonment, ruptures, and loneliness.

This situation can be viewed from different ideological or partisan perspectives, but it cannot be said that they are not evident, and it cannot be denied that they desperately need a solution.

If fidelity to a Party or an ideology requires a person to take a stand against justice, freedom, truth, and the prosperity of the citizenry, then accepting this requirement is not only choosing blindness but also choosing to be complicit in evil. It is not fidelity but submission. It is not passion but servility, against your own people and, in reality, against yourself."

What do you think?


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