Eleonay, the Cuban child wounded in a fire where his parents also died, dies.

The nine-year-old boy died from third-degree burns sustained in the fire at his home in Havana, caused by the explosion of a motorbike.

Kirenia Cancio y su hijo Eleonay Rankin, ambos fallecidos en incendio © Facebook / Saúl Manuel
Kirenia Cancio and her son Eleonay Rankin, both deceased in a fire.Photo © Facebook / Saúl Manuel

The Cuban boy Eleonay Rankin Cancio, who was in critical condition due to the injuries suffered in a fire at his home caused by the explosion of a motorbike, passed away this Friday in Havana.

The news was given by Deimi Mederos Ramírez in the Facebook group "Super Moms in Havana".

"I just found out that this little angel passed away due to third-degree burns from the explosion of the gasoline where his parents also died. I hope that God has him in a beautiful place with his parents," he said.

Facebook screenshot / Super Moms In Havana / Deimi Mederos Ramírez

Eleonay, only nine years old, is the third victim of the fire that occurred on June 19th in the municipality of La Lisa.

In the accident, Kirenia Cancio Domínguez, 43, and her husband, Alejandro Fernández de las Cagigas, died. Both worked at the Comodoro hotel.

Also, in the house were also his 21-year-old twin sisters, Alejandra and Laura Fernández Pérez, who are admitted to the burn unit at Calixto García Hospital, also in a life-threatening condition.

The day after the fire, an urgent request for O+ blood donations for the two girls, Biology students, spread on the Internet.

Publications in Facebook groups encouraged people capable of donating to go to the bank located at 23rd and 2nd Streets in El Vedado.

The internet user Evelyn Alonso Horta shared the names in the group "Blood Donors of Cuba" and stated that their lives were in serious danger due to multiple burns.

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