A Cuban teenager was murdered in a music studio in Centro Habana.

The victim's name was Jean Franco and he received two stab wounds in a fight over music-related issues.

A Cuban teenager was stabbed to death on Thursday at a music studio in Central Havana.

The victim's name was Jean Franco and he received two stab wounds.

According to internet user Rafael Quiros, the crime was "about music, in a studio," as he said on his Facebook wall.

Facebook screenshot / Rafael Quiros

"I still can't believe it. This news has left us all very sad and shocked, as even though we hadn't been in touch for a while, you are part of the family and in general, you were a very charismatic and joyful child, full of dreams and ideas," he expressed.

Facebook screenshot / Rafael Quiros

A child who was fighting for your dreams, and suddenly they take you away from this world. I can only tell you on behalf of the whole family, from my sister Melissa who loves you very much, and your cousins, and Olgaleysis and Osvein, that we say goodbye to you with tears and a sad memory for having left so young," he added.

Quiros shared a video of the wake for the murdered young man.

Family members, friends, and acquaintances bid him farewell with songs at the funeral home until the coffin was placed in the hearse for transportation to the cemetery.

The independent journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada revealed that the victim resided near Trillo Park, in the neighborhood of Cayo Hueso, in Havana.

Facebook screenshot / Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

The young man named Jean Franco had a fight over music, according to what his cousins who live abroad say, but they couldn't specify the real reasons for how his life was taken," he said on his Facebook wall.

So far, specific details of this horrendous crime are not known.

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