Alexis Valdés: "There are Cubans who left one dictatorship and want to establish another"

The comments on the video have generated diverse opinions among the followers of the Cuban comedian and actor.

The actor, comedian, and host Alexis Valdés said that there are Cubans who have left a dictatorship; however, they want to establish another one where they are now. His words come after reactions to a video posted on the social network Instagram where he reflects on the presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden in the United States.

"It's tough that you left Cuba, to not leave, to keep thinking the same, acting the same, as if you were part of the Committee for the Defense of the Revolution and watching over others," Valdés said in the video where he reflects on this controversy sparked by his words, which he defended as being based on humor.

The writer also expressed concern about these comments and added that the Cuban nation not only has problems within, but also outside, due to its emigrants who continue to think this way.

He argued that he has never been radical, nor will he ever be. "I read, travel, learn, and listen to opinions, even those different from mine," he said, advising to do the same to get rid of radical thoughts.

This video, which comes after another one previously published on the same platform in which Alexis states that the presidency of the United States should be given to Bad Bunny, explaining a series of arguments that, through humor, the actor mentions to introduce the topic of the options Americans will be voting for in the upcoming November, also generated discordant positions among his followers.

Brother, I am Dominican and have been a resident in Miami for many years. I have many Cuban friends whom I consider to be good and hardworking people. It has always struck me that when it comes to politics, they are the most intolerant people in the world. It is supposed that a person who escapes from an intolerant regime should be more tolerant and respectful of others' beliefs. I identify a lot with your post," wrote a user.

I am a Republican and I am 100% with you. I support freedom of expression and choice. I talk with anyone and everyone's idea is valid. Because we all have the right to think differently. That's why I follow people like you with coherence and intelligence," confessed another internet user.

“As always with accurate and intelligent words, you always have the best insight into the topic, once again I warmly applaud you,” mentioned a user.

Last Thursday night, Joe Biden, the current President of the United States, and Donald Trump, a former leader of that country seeking to return to the White House, faced off in a debate ahead of the upcoming November 5th elections.

The meeting generated a wave of criticism and doubts about the current president's ability to continue as the Democratic Party candidate.

Biden's lapses, hoarse voice, and apparent confusion at various moments of the live televised encounter have generated concern among his followers and within his own party, to the point of considering the possibility of changing the candidate.

What do you think?


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