Pollito Tropical and his partner send a strong message on Gay Pride Day.

"We are also very important for this world," stated the Cuban YouTuber.

Pollito Tropical y su pareja Mario Bouza © Instagram / Pollito Tropical
Pollito Tropical and his partner Mario BouzaPhoto © Instagram / Pollito Tropical

Pollito Tropical is very proud to be able to show itself to the world as it is, without fear of feeling ashamed and above all without hiding its sexual orientation.

This Friday, June 28, on the occasion of Gay Pride Day, he and his partner Mario Bouza shared a photo together on Instagram with a strong message that is a resounding no to homophobia and discrimination.

"Today we celebrate the courage that many of us had to gather our courage and come out publicly saying, I am GAY and that we are also very important for this world and therefore we cannot repress our tastes and feelings," wrote Pollito Tropical in the post.

For those who try to insult and attack him with their homophobic words, he added: "Being called a faggot doesn't insult me, it's what I am."

In the comments on the post, the Cuban youtuber found many messages of love and support from his followers: "There is no way not to love a real being"; "You are not gay, you are that beautiful thing that the world was waiting for to be complete"; "They are beautiful and with a reversible beauty that does not abound much, and I know for sure that you have plenty of it"; "The most beautiful and brave, what an honor to follow you"; "We should all speak the same language. And it is the language of LOVE"; "Life is as fleeting as to not be what makes us happy."

Pollito Tropical and Mario Bouza not only enjoy every moment of life as a couple, but also always bet on respect and inclusion in many of the contents they share on their social networks.

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Deneb González

Editor at CiberCuba Entertainment.

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Deneb González

Deneb González

Editor at CiberCuba Entertainment.