The Guillermón Moncada stadium is packed with "Marca Mandarina," the hit by Bebeshito and El Taiger.

It seemed like the audience was enjoying a concert by reggaeton artists rather than a baseball game.

"Marca Mandarina," the big hit by Oniel Bebeshito and El Taiger, has become a "plague" that infects fans of urban music and even those who aren't.

The Guillermón Moncada Stadium in Santiago de Cuba recently witnessed the effect this song has during a baseball game.

All it took was for it to play on the speakers while the players settled on the field, for total madness to break loose.

Instagram screenshot / titoeider

An internet user uploaded the video to his Instagram, and later Bebeshito himself shared it on his stories in that ephemeral section.

In the images, you can see the moment when hundreds of people in the stands began to sing in chorus "Marca Mandarina," many even stood up and started dancing.

Although the song stopped when the inning started, the audience kept singing as if they were at a Bebeshito concert and not a baseball game.

In the reggaeton singer's latest concerts, this song has not been missing, and the fans have always shown that it is indeed one of the most popular songs of the moment.

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Deneb González

Entertainment Editor at CiberCuba

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