Cuban restaurant owner in Spain: "I have never seen food intolerances in Cuba".

Cuban causes debate by talking about food intolerances and allergies in Cuba and Spain.

A Cuban in Spain has sparked debate after wondering why when she worked in the hospitality industry in Cuba, she did not see food intolerances like the ones present in the country where she currently resides. This reflection was made by Blanca de Dios on her Instagram profile, generating hundreds of comments with differing opinions.

There is one thing that blows my mind. I lived in Cuba for 25 years, 5 of which I worked in hospitality, and I never saw lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, tomato allergy, or beef allergy. It wasn't until I arrived in Spain that I found out about these types of intolerances to many products. There is an unimaginable list that I learned while working in hospitality. Why is it that we don't usually have these intolerances there? However, here in Spain, I see that there are many of these intolerances. There must be some specific factor, something genetic, some type of diet. I would like someone to explain it to me.

The reactions to these words were not long in coming, and in the comments we find messages such as:

The body is wise, if all those intolerances are removed in Cuba, screwed is an understatement. In Cuba, what is lacking is diagnosis. Nor is there abundant food like in Spain. Eating veal is a crime pursued by the police. Well, this video is out of place. If they barely eat a piece of unleavened bread a day. In Cuba, there are many people with stomach ulcers and many other problems. And they don't know the cause. If you have them, but you live with it. Well, they also have allergies, they just don't know it. Not even that exists in Cuba. When there is hunger, you don't care about gluten intolerance, what you want is to fill your stomach, allergies cannot be avoided, but intolerances pass quickly when starving. It's called improvement in diagnosis. Before, there was no cancer either, and when someone died, you would often hear: they died from a bad thing.

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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