Cuban boy reunites with his father by surprise on the island: His mom told him he was going to receive "a package".

A Cuban father arrived unexpectedly to see his son after being apart for a while.

A child in Cuba got a big surprise when he saw his father arrive unexpectedly. We were able to witness this moment thanks to TikTok, where the child's father posted this beautiful reunion they had.

The images, which have gone viral on the social network after being shared by the user @anthonyfernandez2012, capture the moment when a mother tells her child that he is going to receive "a package." "The package has finally arrived," the mother says as a car approaches where the family is waiting.

The child, as soon as he sees his father, starts to cry and runs towards him.

The video has gone viral on TikTok, where thousands of Cubans have been moved by this touching reunion between father and son.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduate in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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