Surprises his mother on her birthday by returning to Cuba, but the power outage catches the son by surprise.

From hunter to hunted. The young man tried to give his mother a surprise and ended up surprised by a blackout upon returning to his home after three years of absence.

After three years without returning to his home country, a young Cuban man decided to make a surprise trip to the island to celebrate his mother's birthday. However, upon arriving home, in the midst of a blackout, it was he who was surprised, which turned into an experience that he shared on social media.

Lázaro Abrahan Pérez Suárez expressed on Facebook: "I wanted to make the most beautiful video in the world," but admitted that upon arriving home and finding his mother in the midst of a power outage lasting over eight hours, "I completely broke down and started crying."

"I couldn't even record properly," the young man lamented. However, the short video shows his emotional mother crying tears of joy when seeing her son, absent for three years.

"I knew you were going to do that," expressed the mother, showing herself very affectionate and grateful for the long-awaited reunion.

Last May, a Cuban woman gave her mother the best surprise on Mother's Day by returning without warning to reunite with her after two years.

A moment that the protagonist of this surprise has made us witness through her TikTok profile, where the beautiful scene has gone viral, among other reasons, because it happened during a blackout.

The video published by @nirsita02, a Cuban residing in Tampa, captures the moment when she arrives at her parents' house and her mother's reaction is pure emotion. The mother could not contain her excitement and she can't even open the door for her daughter due to the nerves of seeing her again.

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