Maykel Blanco offers a reward to recover his lost wallet in Havana.

The leader of the group Maykel Blanco y Su Salsa Mayor requested help, as he keeps "documents of great importance there and I need to recover them urgently because today I have to travel with them".

Maykel Blanco © Facebook/Joseph Banks
Maykel BlancoPhoto © Facebook/Joseph Banks

The Cuban musician Maykel Blanco lost his wallet in an area of the Playa municipality, in Havana, and on Wednesday, he turned to social media to provide information and offer a reward to whoever manages to recover it.

Through Facebook, the leader of the music group Maykel Blanco y Su Salsa Mayor requested help, as he has "documents of great importance stored there and I urgently need to recover them because today I have to travel with them."

Facebook post/Maykel Blanco

According to the statement, the pocket wallet was lost at the Cupet located at 51 and 72: "We will offer a reward," the popular artist from the largest of the Antilles made clear in the message.

Father of three children -two boys and one girl-, Blanco, 43 years old, is one of the most famous Cuban musicians today, as well as the creator of the Salsa Festival on the island.

Composer, arranger, percussionist, and pianist, the artist created his first professional orchestra, Suprema Ley, at the age of 18, and due to its quality, he signed a contract with the record label Envidia Record from Spain, with which he recorded his first albums "Se te olvidó quien eres" and "Ya llegaron los cubanos."

In 2004, he debuted with Salsa Mayor, and three years later he received the award for the Best Group of popular Cuban music in Italy, and for the best live concert in Paris, France.

In 2012, Maykel Blanco y su Salsa Mayor embarked on a tour of several Latin American and European nations. Additionally, they recorded the album "A toda Máquina" with the Italian record label Planet Record, in co-production with Bis Music.

Since then, they have had several international tours, including the United States, always garnering the support of thousands of dancers worldwide.

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