They warn about a worsening situation for stray dogs in Santiago de Cuba.

The economic crisis in Cuba particularly affects stray animals. People, who can barely afford to buy food for themselves, are unable to take care of pets.

Protectores alertan sobre precaria situación de los animales callejeros © Collage Facebook / SALBA (Santiagueros por el Bienestar Animal)
Protectors warn about the precarious situation of stray animals.Photo © Collage Facebook / SALBA (Santiagueros for Animal Welfare)

The current economic crisis, product shortages, and inflation result in people's incomes barely being enough to live on. In this scenario, pets are often among the most affected beings, as their needs are not prioritized.

The neglect that stray animals are currently facing was recently verified by animal advocates in Santiago de Cuba, who warned that the living conditions of dogs have become more critical.

"The situation of street animals is becoming increasingly critical," indicated the organization SALBA-Santiagueros por el Bienestar Animal on Facebook, an initiative dedicated to the protection of pets.

Facebook screenshot / SALBA (Santiagueros for Animal Welfare)

The organization stated that one of its members toured several communities in Santiago de Cuba with the intention of caring for several dogs.

During this tour, it was noted that the situation of stray animals has worsened, suggesting that people are finding it increasingly difficult to feed them.

However, animal advocates highlighted the support of some people: "Thanks to everyone who helps animal welfare."

Despite the deepening of the economic crisis in Cuba, some staunch defenders of animal rights do not give up on protecting pets.

Recently, an activist in Mayabeque rescued an abandoned dog inside a tied plastic bag, declaring visibly moved that "if he hadn't moved, he would have drowned unable to breathe."

Facebook screenshot / Yenney Caballero

Yenney Caballero reported the incident on Facebook and stated that, unlike the person who committed the animal abuse, she will fight for the dog: "If he does not survive, he will have a dignified ending as a living being."

Unfortunately, cases of animal abandonment are not isolated incidents. The Cuban regime's inaction regarding animal protection and rights often leaves many dogs, cats, and horses at the mercy of their owners' abuse.

Recently, the abandonment of five newborn puppies in the rain caused great outrage among the animal rights activists of Sancti Spíritus, who mobilized through social media to save the lives of the little dogs.

Facebook screenshot / ARCA Sancti Spíritus Foundation

The ARCA foundation described the incident on Facebook as "a tragedy" while reporting that the puppies had been rescued: "They have been picked up, but an urgent foster mother is needed."

Facebook screenshot / Raisa Pérez Villaverde

A web user reported on Monday that a dog was abandoned at a bus stop in Havana, where they were left tied to a fence with a collar and their name written on a piece of cardboard; the animal was rescued and now they are looking for someone to adopt them.

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