A dog abandoned in a closed plastic bag in Mayabeque died: "Rest in peace, my little one"

"His final hours were filled with love, he did not end up in that bag like garbage," expressed the protector who tried to save the animal's life.

El perrito presuntamente tenía moquillo canino. © Facebook / Yenney Caballero
The puppy allegedly had canine distemper.Photo © Facebook / Yenney Caballero

The little puppy rescued this Monday in Mayabeque after being abandoned in a closed plastic bag, died this Wednesday presumably due to canine distemper; however, as promised by the animal welfare organization that tried to save him, the dog said goodbye to this world surrounded by love.

"I am comforted by the fact that I did my best to save your life. Your last hours were filled with love, your ending was not being put into that bag like trash," expressed activist Yenney Caballero very moved on Facebook. "I am sorry for the harm that was done to you," she lamented.

Facebook screenshot / Yenney Caballero

The activist called for citizen awareness, urging people to reflect on their feelings and values, expressing concern for the future of Cuban society, as she believes that there are many empty and lacking in principles, and that many individuals are behaving improperly.

Caballero reiterated that sterilization is the most effective solution to prevent defenseless puppies from ending up in the hands of irresponsible people.

In this regard, he pointed out that many people adopt animals on a whim or as toys for children, without considering the responsibilities involved in taking care of a pet, such as vaccinating them and keeping them healthy.

Furthermore, he expressed his concern about the fate of pets when they get sick, as they are often abandoned as if their lives had no value, just like what happened with the little dog that inspired this post, which was thrown in the trash in a closed plastic bag.

Finally, he called on citizens to be conscious and make responsible decisions when adopting, advocating for greater efforts in sterilization campaigns and education on the proper care of pets.

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