The price of a carton of eggs exceeds the minimum wage in Havana.

Cubans must face inflation with minimum wages of 2,100 pesos per month, around 6 dollars at the current exchange rate.

Huevos © Facebook/HUEVOS EN LA HABANA
EggsPhoto © Facebook/EGGS IN HAVANA

Amidst the growing inflation in Cuba, the cost of a carton of eggs surpassed this Friday in Havana the country's minimum wage, reaching an average of 2,225 pesos.

According to an updated list with the prices of food in the country's capital that are sold through social media, a carton of 30 eggs can be found at prices ranging between 2,000 and 2500 pesos, with an average of 2,225 pesos.

Likewise, a pound of pork steak, a staple in the Cuban diet, is sold at 1,150 pesos throughout the city, and a pound of chicken at 380 pesos.

Social media posts. FacebookEGGS IN HAVANA

In April, the situation was still worse, and a carton of eggs cost 3,400 pesos.

These prices have persisted for months on an island where the minimum wage is 2,100 pesos per month (6 dollars according to the current exchange rate), and pensions are still below that figure.

International organizations classify Cuba as the poorest country in Latin America (excluding Haiti), among other reasons due to high inflation and low access to food for the population, which largely lives with malnutrition parameters.

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