A Cuban reacts to those who say they are better off after moving from Miami: "It is unfair to make it seem like Miami is a bad place or that one cannot live here."

This city has given many people the opportunity to start their own business.

One of the topics most discussed among the Cuban community on social networks is leaving Miami to seek a more affordable lifestyle. While some agree that life in other states outside of Florida is better, there are those who are convinced that there is no place like Miami.

And amidst all the videos that have emerged on the subject, there is one from a Cuban woman from Miami that is stirring up a lot of talk on TikTok. In her video, the Cuban Dianela Rodríguez (@dianelarodrgz) defends the City of the Sun, refuting the growing trend on social media to criticize Miami as a difficult place to thrive. Her statements have resonated with many users.

Since I left Miami, my life changed. Now it seems like a challenge - I have seen a lot of TikTok videos of people who became millionaires since they left Miami. And the reality is the same: if things aren't going well for you in one state, you have to go to another, whether it's Miami or Hong Kong," Dianela begins.

"Here everything is relative, I know people who haven't done well in other states and here in Miami they have done well. Or there are simply people who have come because they don't like the weather up there. But now they want to make it seem like Miami is bad because it's bad for those who couldn't make it here, but there are many people who have. This city has given many people the opportunity to start their own business, it's unfair to make people believe that Miami is a bad place to live, because it's not the reality," he added.

These statements have sparked a multitude of comments, both from those who support the assertion of this Cuban and from those who prefer to live in other states.

"I went to Houston for a year and it was my worst experience. I returned to Miami and I will never leave again. It is the most beautiful city in the world. Long live Miami!", "I left Miami and it was the best decision I made in this country, so far", "One hundred percent agree with you, those who fail blame Miami but in reality, they are the ones at fault", "I lived in New Jersey for 20 years and moved to Miami... I have been here for 35 years and I'm not leaving because I wouldn't trade Miami for any other city" or "You are absolutely right but we cannot deny that inflation with rents is already too high," are some of the comments that can be read.

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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