They present Citizenship and Freedom, an independent organization focused on defending rights of association and political participation in Cuba.

On the eve of the third anniversary of the popular uprising of July 11, 2021, Cuban activists presented the civil society organization Citizenship and Freedom, established in 2023 to defend the rights of association, assembly, and participation in Cuba and promote the active involvement of citizens in transforming their reality.

Cubanos protestan con cacerolazo ©
Cubans protest with pot-banging.Photo ©

On the eve of the third anniversary of the popular uprising on July 11, 2021, Cuban activists presented the independent organization Citizenship and Freedom, established in 2023 to defend the rights of association, assembly, and participation in Cuba and promote active citizen participation to transform their reality.

We reproduce below the statement sent by the organization to our editorial team:

Citizenship and Freedom is born to defend the rights of association, peaceful assembly, and political participation in Cuba. We work so that every citizen can participate freely and safely in the country's public affairs without being subjected to persecution and criminalization. We seek to promote an active and informed society in civil and political rights, which are also human rights, as established in Articles 20 and 21 of the Universal Declaration. We are aware of the challenges involved in defending civil and political rights in Cuba, and that we will not achieve great progress without a democratic transition. To achieve this, we work, knowing that a full democratic transition will only be possible in a society that makes democratic culture a constitutive and daily part of its identity. The launch of Citizenship and Freedom, a few days before the third anniversary of the July 11 protests, is dedicated to recognizing the courage of Cuban citizens who peacefully demonstrated to demand freedom, political participation, and civil rights. Three years from this date, we demand the immediate release of those who remain unjustly imprisoned for advocating for citizen rights and freedom. Follow us on our social media and visit our website for more news.

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