Javier Berridy was bitten by a repairman on the neck.

Berridy transforms after being bitten: it fills with fake chains, a green collar is put on it, tattoos appear, and it wears glasses from the brand Shein.

The Cuban comedian Javier Berridy shared a funny video in which he once again demonstrates his cleverness and wit, by showing what would happen if he were bitten on the neck by a "repartero", like vampires do.

The recording shows the transformation that the comedian undergoes after being bitten: he is covered with fake chains, his neck turns green, tattoos appear on his arm, and he wears Shein brand glasses.

He decides to ask for help from a friend, who recommends that he listen to a song by Joaquín Sabina or classical music to counteract the effect.

"I don't know if I can resist. It seems like the auto-tune took over my throat," Berridy responded, pretending to be distressed.

The final touch of the video is given when it starts speaking with the voice of the reggaeton artist Chocolate MC.

"We lost him," his friend asserts.

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