The regime publishes alleged confession of Cuban accused of carrying weapons to Cuba from the U.S.

This case dates back to December 2023, when an alleged terrorist entered Cuba illegally on a jet ski from southern Florida, supposedly with the aim of carrying out violent actions.

The Cuban government assures that it dismantled a terrorist plan against the country, organized and funded from the United States, where the key figure is a man who entered by jet ski through the coasts of Matanzas.

The alleged illegal entry into Cuban territory occurred in November 2023. The regime said they had detained a citizen carrying weapons, but did not reveal their identity at that time. Now they are sharing the statements made by the alleged terrorist.

The citizen was identified by the authorities as Ardenys García Álvarez, 40 years old, born in Cienfuegos. He had a criminal record for offenses of speculation and robbery with violence. He had illegally left the country in 2014 and had been residing in the United States since then.

Colonel Víctor Álvarez Valle pointed out on the television program Razones de Cuba, hosted by Humberto López, that the detainee entered Cuba illegally carrying weapons, had the intention of subverting social order, and that the action was "organized and financed by a group of Cuban terrorists based in the U.S."

Ardenys said that he made his statements voluntarily to contribute to the development of the investigation. He confessed that he contacted two Cubans in the United States through social media, Willy González and Dayán Quiñones.

These individuals supposedly gave him a link on Telegram, and through that network, they kept in touch for training activities with weapons at shooting ranges and in uniforms. "There was an R-15 firearm, a telescopic sight, and an AK," Ardenys said.

In one picture, he identified the five members of his team, including Jorge Luis Fernández Figueras, who goes by the nickname "el Lobo." The leader of the group would be Willy González, and the other three shooters are Ardenys, Dayán, and Rolando, who is in charge of training.

On the second visit to the shooting range, Ardenys ensures that the team had already grown with more recruits.

Colonel Álvarez insisted that Ardenys entered Cuba with five pistols of different calibers and from different countries of manufacture, most of them American. All of them were purchased in the United States and he had ammunition for them.

Cuban authorities accuse Ardenys of making rounds in key locations, gathering intelligence, and contacting individuals to orchestrate terrorist plans on the island.

"Colonel Álvarez said, 'He tried to include members of the FAR and MININT in his plans who had specific physical preparation, and he was locating places where there could be weapons or military training.'"

Ardenys is facing criminal charges for crimes against State Security, Espionage, and crimes against the constitutional order, among others. The Cuban government assures that the alleged terrorist was in contact with Cubans in the United States and they could be sanctioned for this reason.

In December 2023, the Cuban government published in the Official Gazette of the Republic a list of individuals and entities allegedly sponsoring terrorism against Cuba from the United States.

The regime accuses the members of that list of "inciting the performance of actions that affect social order in Cuba, through violent acts against public officials and the normal functioning of socioeconomic entities; as well as promoting armed aggression against Cuba."

This case is receiving all the attention of the officialist press and seeks to demonstrate that the Cuban government is under pressure from terrorist attacks orchestrated by exiles in the United States.

Many Cubans do not believe it is possible for a single man to travel on a jet ski from Florida to Matanzas to overthrow the regime.

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