They denounce censorship against the trans artist Kiriam Gutiérrez.

The fact is based on a ban on the trans artist from performing at an event, even as an audience member.

Kiriam Gutiérrez Pérez © Facebook/Kiriam Gutiérrez Pérez
Kiriam Gutierrez PerezPhoto © Facebook/Kiriam Gutiérrez Pérez

The Cuban actress and activist Kiriam Gutiérrez Pérez has once again been the target of censorship due to the police repression and persecution that State Security has subjected her to.

This was made known by the independent journalist Héctor Valdés Corcho in an extensive complaint made on his Facebook profile.

This morning, several LGBTI community activists contacted me to inform me about a situation that occurred before the realization of the "Queen of Copla in Cuba" transformism competition," wrote Valdés Corcho, clarifying that his words are not against the event organizers but about the situation that arose with Kiriam.

The situation is about the incident of once again vetoing Cuban artist Kiriam Gutiérrez Pérez, an activist who for years has fought hard for the respect of the rights of the same community that today remains silent in the face of the thousands of attempts to prohibit her work. The same community that now looks the other way and becomes complicit in the arbitrary.

The fact is based on a ban on the trans artist from performing at the event, even as an audience member.

The excuse for not attending, even as an audience member, was an anonymous message sent to the event organizers stating that Kiriam would carry out an act of protest against the Cuban regime, and that this would automatically lead to creating a kind of chaos at the event venue," recounted the independent journalist based in the United States.

Faced with several questions posed by Valdés Corcho in which he criticizes the lack of consideration towards the possibility that Kiriam could stage a protest act against the regime, using the microphones of an official event, he continued his writing reproaching the lack of verification of the anonymous information.

"If we are going to play at being professionals, then let's play well," he asserted.

I just spoke with Kiriam, she is devastated, cried like never before. She feels lonely, she feels bad, she feels like everyone has turned their back on her; because yes, they have turned their back on her. They have turned their back on someone who has been there for everyone since day one and who has fought so that spaces like these can be enjoyed by everyone," she recounted about the feelings of the trans artist.

Valdés Corcho also listed the consequences of this anonymous dossier, which go beyond the recent ban received and also involve concern about the support that Kiriam has to provide for her mother, an elderly woman who depends on her.

"Even now; after that anonymous message, Kiriam could be investigated for the alleged act of counterrevolution that was reported to be carried out, something worth clarifying; it is uncertain," he said.

Kiriam has had constant encounters with State Security, the organization that seeks to suppress her thoughts and condemns her for being homosexual, despite the regime priding itself on having approved a Family Code.

Last year, that department of the Ministry of the Interior threatened to remove her breast implants.

In an extensive post on her social media, the trans activist recounted the difficulties she faced in carrying out her decision to transition in a country that did not have, and still does not have, a legal framework that ensures this process optimally and safely.

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