The Vatican reaffirms its position against surrogacy and sex changes

Furthermore, the Holy See raises its voice against the so-called gender ideology, arguing that it seeks to deny the sexual difference between living beings and seeks to impose itself as a single thought that even affects the education of children.

Ciudad del Vaticano © Flickr / Daniel Ferreira Baltà
Vatican City Photo © Flickr / Daniel Ferreira Baltà

In an expected statement, The Vatican has reaffirmed its doctrine against surrogacy and sex changes.

Through a document titled Infinite dignity prepared by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Holy See has outlined a series of what it considers "serious violations" of human dignity, equating these practices with abortion and euthanasia, values always criticized by the Catholic Church.

The document, approved by the Pope Francisco at the end of March, has been the result of five years of work and seeks to offer clarity on the fundamental principles that the Catholic Church upholds regarding human dignity.

According to what was published in The vanguard, the existence of this text has been rumored for some time, and was recently confirmed by the Argentine cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez, prefect of the Doctrine of the Faith and close ally of Pope Francis.

The Catholic Church denounces surrogacy, a practice described as "deplorable" by Pope Francis in January, who has urged the international community to ban it universally.

According to the Vatican, this practice turns the child into a mere object and violates the dignity of both the infant and the woman, who is reduced to a means to satisfy the desires of others.

With the approval in 2022 of the Family Code, in Cuba the legal framework was established to contemplate the so-called "solidarity pregnancy", which includes single people and same-sex couples, in addition to other norms that include, among other issues, equal marriage and same-sex adoption.

Regarding sex changes, the Vatican document points out that, in general, these operations can attack the unique dignity that each person possesses from the moment of conception.

Although it makes an exception for those cases of genital anomalies evident at birth or developed later, where medical intervention would be considered not constitutive of a sex change.

Besides, The Holy See raises its voice against the so-called gender ideology, arguing that it seeks to deny the sexual difference between living beings and seeks to impose itself as a unique thought that even affects the education of children.

The document also reiterates the position of the Catholic Church against abortion, euthanasia and the "discarding" of people with disabilities, while including important issues for Francis' pontificate, such as poverty, migrants and human trafficking. .

In keeping with its traditional position regarding human dignity, the Vatican's statement rejects practices that it considers contrary to the fundamental principles of the Catholic faith and that, in its opinion, threaten the integrity and dignity of people.

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