Miami TikToker reveals the luxury and extravagances of pet care in the United States: "It's something you only see here."

A TikToker from Miami shares what can only be seen in the United States: "Here they don't see it as mistreatment, in fact, it is a luxury because the cost is very high."

The well-known Spanish TikToker @by.martao, residing in Miami, has caused a sensation with her recent video titled "Things that you only see in the United States." In the video, she addresses the treatment that dogs and other pets receive in the North American country.

The TikToker starts by remembering her first day of school in the United States, where she was shocked to see a typical yellow school bus full of dogs. She explains that these dogs were being taken to a dog daycare and that the price of these daycares is comparable to that of a regular daycare for children. Surprised by this level of care, she comments: "Here, they treat dogs better than people."

Another aspect he mentions is the luxury that pets can access in the United States. He recounts that when he leaves his dog, Matilda, at a dog hotel, these places offer additional services such as spa, massages, and manicures for the pets. Although he appreciates the care his dog receives, he jokes saying: "I love my dog, Matilda, very much. But for them to do all that to her, they should give me the massage instead."

The TikToker also addresses a controversial issue: dyeing pets. Although she acknowledges that many consider this to be animal abuse, she explains that in the United States, it is seen as a luxury due to its high cost. She concludes by admitting that, although she does not see much necessity in it, this practice is normalized in American culture.

This video has generated numerous comments and debates among its followers, reflecting the cultural differences in the care and treatment of pets between the United States and other countries.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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