Elioveliz, the Cuban José José, receives the most beautiful of gifts: A painting alongside the Prince of Song.

A young visual artist made this beautiful gift.

Elioveliz, the young man known as the Cuban José José for the striking resemblance of his voice to that of the Mexican singer, received the loveliest of gifts from a visual artist.

The gift is a beautiful painting in which he appears alongside the Prince of Song, to whom he has paid tribute with every song he interprets.

"It's a young woman who is a painter, and a month ago she contacted me wanting to give me a painting," Elioveliz shared in a video on her Instagram.

At Daily's house, the young artist's name, the singer confessed to feeling very excited and looking forward to finally seeing the painting and also took the opportunity to show other creations by this talented girl.

"This is going to the living room of my house. This will always be very well taken care of by me because it has great sentimental value," Elioveliz assured while holding the painting in her hands.

With his great talent for music and impressive voice, the Cuban José José has conquered the hearts of many. Just watching his first concert in Havana is enough to know that the applause he received that night was well deserved.

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Deneb González

Entertainment Editor at CiberCuba

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Deneb González

Deneb González

Entertainment Editor for CiberCuba