Cuban twins reunite on the island after almost four years without seeing each other: "I finally meet my first niece"

"I will never be whole until I have my family together again," said the sister who lives in the USA as she lamented how hard second goodbyes are.

Two Cuban sisters have touched the hearts of TikTok users by showing their return to the island after almost four years without seeing their family.

In their TikTok profiles, both of them showed videos of their returns to the island: one traveled from Spain and the other from the United States to see their family in Cuba.

The young Thalia (@lathaly00 on the network) posted a first video of the emotional reunion with her twin sister. "After almost four years without seeing my twin, today we return home and she meets her niece," she wrote about the video she shared, asking how many like her were "eager to return."

"When you return to your family after almost four years without seeing them and they have no idea," she wrote in another of the videos that captured the touching moments experienced with several family members. "Nothing like coming home," she assured.

However, it wasn't all hugs and happiness, as she also dedicated an emotional post to those who are no longer here. "I have returned home happy but throughout the entire trip I was thinking about this reunion. Grandparents should be eternal, yes. I will love them all my life wherever they may be," she wrote about a short video showing the resting places of two of her grandparents who, even though they are no longer physically here, she "knew they were there."

Her twin sister also shared their emotional reunion on the same social media platform. "We were planning to see each other in 1 year and now 4 have passed, I miss you so much, sister," she said.

"I will never be complete until I have my family together again," Liz (@lathaly98) stated in another post, where she talked about "how difficult second goodbyes are."

The reunion of these Cuban sisters has generated multiple reactions on TikTok: "You made me cry, it's been over 11 years since I last saw my family"; "And here I am, a twin, it's been 6 years since I last saw her and I'm waiting to reunite with her again, I imagine that magical day"; "I'm a twin and I can't imagine being so far from mine, she's my other half"; "What a beautiful reunion"; "Every time I watch the video, tears come to my eyes"; "I'm also a twin and I can't stop imagining the day we embrace again... she's my other half and confidante, I miss her a lot"; "Ufff how hard, I'm a twin and I haven't seen him for 6 years, can't wait for it to happen," some said.

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