Cuban woman with I-220B, mother of a two-year-old autistic child, about to be deported from the U.S.

The woman at risk of deportation arrived in the United States four years ago.

A Cuban woman with I-220B residency in Florida and mother of a two-year-old autistic child is about to be deported to Cuba, as denounced on social media by her husband and another person close to the family.

Her name is Vivian Pérez, she has been living in the United States for four years, and since the beginning of this week, she has been at the Pompano Beach Detention Center in Broward County.

Her husband and father of her son recounted that on July 15th, Vivian was detained during her annual appointment with Immigration at the ICE office in the city of Miramar. She had had three similar appointments in previous years, but this time they did not let her leave.

At noon, she called on the phone and told her husband that they were going to keep her inside to deport her.

"She has an I-220B with a deportation letter. She has been in this country for four years already. My son is having issues... He is two years old, has 'a little problem with autism,' and without his mother, I don't know how the poor boy will manage to function. Even though I am his father, it's not the same. The mother is always with him, and this situation is not easy," said the husband of the detained Cuban woman.

Despite claiming to be a man of few words, Vivian's husband asks for help and relies on his faith in God, as well as the support and pressure from the community and the media, to achieve a review of the case.

The truth is that desperation is present, concern exists, uncertainty looms large, and my son waits for his mother. With your help and God's, I hope to move forward for her. Please join me. I thank you in advance," concluded Vivian Pérez's husband.

Facebook screenshot/Claudia Rivera.

Internet user Claudia Rivera pointed out in another post on Facebook that both Vivian's husband and her son are American citizens.

"She was detained by ICE and is facing deportation within 24 hours. She was advised for some time by a lawyer, but not all resources were used through which she could obtain an adjustment of status," Rivera detailed.

"She is a person who has never had problems in the country and despite the critical situation that the U.S. faces in terms of immigration, both she and her son deserve an opportunity. Freedom and clemency for Vivian!", Rivera concluded.

Facebook screenshot/Claudia Rivera

Other Cubans detained and at risk of imminent deportation.

In recent days, reports of imminent deportations have multiplied. The situation is even more concerning due to the increase in the number of Cubans with no criminal record detained during their Immigration appointments.

This same week, Marien Acosta, a young Cuban woman five months pregnant and a mother of a girl, denounced how her family has broken up after her husband, Mario de León Díaz, 26 years old, was detained during what seemed like a routine appointment with ICE, who had a Supervision and Deportation Order (I-220B) pending against him.

"They are doing a lot of harm," pointed out Marien, visibly emotional, who described as "horrible" the constant fear in which families live where there are Cubans affected by an I-220B.

Recently, the case of Yoselianys Rodríguez was also in the news, who is married to a Cuban doctor who is also a U.S. citizen.

"We have been together for three years, but have been married for a year and a half. As soon as we got married, we submitted the family petition," revealed Yoselianys' husband, who has also met with local congressmen to address the case, which is similar to that of other Cubans facing the same situation."

Last week, the case of Lisván Isidrón Cabrera, 26 years old, was also known. He entered the United States in March 2021 through the border, passed the credible fear interview, but lost his political asylum case before immigration authorities. He has now been detained by ICE after attending his immigration appointment.

"He doesn't have anyone, he only has me and his brother. We don't have anyone in Cuba. I don't know what would happen if they sent him there," said his mother Mirielzi Cabrera, visibly distressed.

At the end of June, the United States government carried out its fifteenth deportation flight to Cuba, in which 56 Cuban immigrants were returned.

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