Cuban deported after living in Sweden for 13 years

A Cuban who had been residing in Sweden for more than 13 years and who has two children in that country, has been deported to the island allegedly for not updating his identity document within the established timeframe in the Nordic nation.

A Cuban who had been residing in Sweden for over 13 years and who has two children born in that country has been deported to the island allegedly for not updating his identification document within the established time frame in the Nordic nation, as he himself revealed just over a month ago when he shared his case on TikTok.

In a video recorded this week on L Street in El Vedado, the young man - identified on social media as "Sentelemald" - said that he was already in Cuba, that he had connected by "miracle" because it is not easy from the island, and indicated that he would update on how things are going.

At the moment, he did not offer any other details about how his first weeks in Cuban territory have been, as he arrived on May 15, as he had anticipated in other videos.

In the images, he looks a bit thinner and has a shaved head.

Before being deported, the Cuban shared several videos on the aforementioned social network in which he denied not working, having a criminal record, and other various conjectures that internet users who still see something strange in his case have thrown at him.

One of his clarifications revolved around the reason why he did not flee to another European country, as some suggested. He said that would imply being on a blacklist of the Swedish police the second he escaped, and indicated that it was a path he was not going to take.

He has always defended the right to be with his small son, who is barely two years old, but now he has been forced to leave him behind.

He has also had words of love for his current partner and mother of his child.

"Sentelemald" has shared his story - according to him - to alert other migrants about how strict the laws in Sweden are and the importance of always having their identification documents in order.

Previously, he indicated that he stopped updating his documents because he was involved in a legal process to regain joint custody of his eldest son, who is eight years old. This entailed a great effort and expense, which distracted him and had consequences in his private life.

Since the beginning, many internet users have considered that Sentelemald could be hiding details that could be more enlightening about their situation.

However, other followers of the young man have shown him unconditional support on social media, leaving messages of solidarity, and there are those who have confirmed that hundreds of migrants in Sweden are going through similar situations.

Traditionally, Sweden was seen as a welcoming country, but since 2023, political narratives linking migrants to criminality have grown in this Nordic country, and exclusion policies have significantly hardened.

Previously, Sentelemald commented that upon returning to Cuba, he would try to launch his music career and mentioned that he would take on the challenge of going back to the island with optimism.

At the moment, the young man has left his followers in suspense about the impression that his return to the country has left on him.

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