They ask for help for a girl in extreme poverty in Camagüey: “Camila survives thanks to solidarity”

The girl Camila, 10 years old, lives with her father, who suffers from vision problems. The little girl survives thanks to the solidarity of her neighbors.

Camila (I) vive en extrema pobreza. Barriada de Camagüey (D), imagen de referencia. © Collage Facebook / Jose Luis Tan Estrada y CiberCuba
Camila (I) lives in extreme poverty. Neighborhood of Camagüey (D), reference image.Photo © Collage Facebook / Jose Luis Tan Estrada and CiberCuba

In the San Miguelito neighborhood of Camagüey, Camila, a 10-year-old girl, lives in extreme poverty with her father, who has serious vision problems, and she urgently needs help, according to reports from internet users on social media, as her survival depends on the solidarity of neighbors.

The Camagüey journalist José Luis Tan Estrada explained on Facebook that after becoming aware of the case, he visited the area to confirm the veracity of the publication circulating on social media.

Facebook Capture / José Luis Tan Estrada

"I spoke with a neighbor, who is practically taking care of Camila," said Tan, informing that Camila resides on 2nd Street, #29, between 1st and 2nd transversal, Reparto Miguelito, Camagüey.

“At this moment, she has no clothes, shoes, or proper food,” noted the journalist, warning that Camila lives with her father, who has serious vision problems and cannot take care of her. “Thanks to this neighbor, Camila is surviving,” he pointed out.

The activist emphasized that he will soon make a publication with more details, and in this way "help the girl in any way we can."

The original post, also shared by journalist Tan, requested to donate to Camila "some items of clothing and shoes."

Facebook Capture / Revolico Camagüey (El Grande)

The request emphasized that she lives alone with her dad, who has vision problems, highlighting that they are a low-income family. “Please, if anyone could help with a few things, I would really appreciate it,” said the person who alerted about the case.

Recently, another act of solidarity crossed the borders of Cuba with the donation of a gas stove to an elderly couple with limited resources.

The gesture of solidarity was carried out through the initiative "Aliento de Vida," promoted by the activist Yankiel Fernández.

Facebook Capture / Yankiel Fernández

"Last Thursday we had the pleasure of continuing to help, this time with a gas stove that our collaborator from the U.S. sent us for a couple of our elderly who had their kitchen in poor condition and had been unable to cook for several days," noted the promoter and link of the solidarity initiative on Facebook.

In recent days, a group of Cuban activists from the civic initiative "Huellas" delivered a basket, made from donations, to a teenage girl from Santiago de Cuba with limited resources, who faced a high-risk pregnancy.

Facebook Capture / Bricella Hernández

Bricella Hernández thanked on Facebook all the people who supported the initiative that allowed the donations to reach the 13-year-old teenager, a first-time mother, who had a high-risk pregnancy.

The Cuban Observatory of Human Rights in its VII Report on the State of Social Rights in Cuba 2024 presented revealing results about the Cuban reality.

The non-governmental organization highlighted in the document that "89% of Cuban families suffer extreme poverty," one percentage point more than last year and 13% more than in 2022.

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