Activist seeks support for a program to assist children with cerebral palsy in Cuba.

Currently, the humanitarian project "Aliento de Vida" assists 12 children. However, its leader announced that they will soon expand their reach to assist 15 more children in Havana and 20 in Pinar del Río.

Piden ayuda para niños con parálisis cerebral © Collage Facebook / Yankiel Fernández
They are asking for help for children with cerebral palsy.Photo © Collage Facebook / Yankiel Fernández

The solidarity project "Aliento de Vida" requested financial assistance this Tuesday to continue its program providing care for children and young people with cerebral palsy, an initiative that started four years ago.

The activist and leader of the project, Yankiel Fernández, explained on Facebook that they are currently helping 12 children, but announced that "soon we will be assisting 15 in Havana, and 20 in Pinar del Río."

Facebook Capture / Yankiel Fernández

Regarding the initiative, he shared a case for which he requested help. "One of my little ones is hospitalized with severe epileptic seizures, and since everything happened suddenly, I need help to be able to assist him," pointed out the activist who engages in intense solidarity activities with people and families in financial need.

"Frank has a tracheostomy and gastrostomy, and he is one of those little ones that we love and care for deeply," said Fernández, who asked for help from anyone who could contribute fruit juices, gelatin, milk, and yogurt.

The activist stated that anyone wishing to make a donation to support Frank's family can do so through monetary contributions to account CUP 9224 9598 7881 8648 and confirm the donation at the number 58 04 77 06.

Recently, Fernández himself sent clothing, food, disposable diapers, and medications to people living in extreme poverty in the rural area of Santiago de Cuba.

Facebook capture / Yankiel Fernández

The activist showed on Facebook the moment when the people living in villages in the Sierra Maestra and other remote areas of the province received the donations.

Previously, the activist made a call on social media to anyone who could help with donations for the children and other residents in those communities who lack the most basic necessities, such as food, clothing, and medicine.

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