A truck overturns a container on a street in Havana.

The incident took place in La Lisa and, fortunately, did not result in any deaths or injuries.

Accidente en La Lisa, La Habana. © Facebook / Lachy Olivera Varea
Accident in La Lisa, Havana.Photo © Facebook / Lachy Olivera Varea

In the Valle Grande neighborhood, in the La Lisa municipality of Havana, an accident occurred this Wednesday when a truck overturned a container in the middle of the street.

Lachy Olivera Varea reported in the Facebook group "ACCIDENTES BUSES & CAMIONES por más experiencia y menos víctimas!" that, fortunately, the incident did not result in any injuries.

Facebook Capture / BUS & TRUCK ACCIDENTS for more experience and fewer victims! / Lachy Olivera Varea

Olivera shared a gallery of images showing the moment when a truck overturned a container on a street, blocking a large part of the roadway.

In the photos, you can see a crane on site, apparently ready to reposition the container on the trailer and clear the road obstruction.

Although there were no injuries or fatalities in this incident, a fatal event occurred on Tuesday in Santiago de Cuba.

The incident occurred at the intersection of Heredia and Peralejo streets when a Girón bus, apparently due to a brake failure, crashed into an old building, reported journalist Yosmany Mayeta on Facebook.

Facebook Capture / Yosmany Mayeta

A woman who was passing by at that moment died at the scene.

Another accident occurred this Tuesday in Santiago de Cuba, when a tractor crashed into the entrance of a house after losing its brakes while going down a hill.

Facebook Capture / Yosmany Mayeta

The pavement was wet at the time the accident occurred, which increased the danger. Fortunately, there were no injuries or fatalities as a result of the incident, but there were material losses.

Also this Tuesday, a concrete mixer truck crashed into the exterior wall of the Habana Libre Hotel, with no human injuries reported.

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