Cuban activists deliver assistance to an underweight baby in Havana.

The leader of the solidarity project "Aliento de Vida" delivered several donations to a baby who had been hospitalized for two months due to low birth weight.

Entregan ayuda a bebé que estuvo hospitalizado más de dos meses © Collage Facebook / Yankiel Fernandez
They deliver aid to a baby who was hospitalized for more than two months.Photo © Collage Facebook / Yankiel Fernandez

The solidarity initiative "Aliento de Vida" delivered several donations to Hanna and her family this Wednesday in Havana, as they had to stay in the hospital for more than two months due to the baby's low weight.

"We were in the Luyanó neighborhood visiting our little Hanna and she was given assistance," noted the activist Yankiel Fernández, leader of the project, on Facebook.

Facebook Capture / Breath of Life / Yankiel Fernández

Fernández indicated that the little girl received Enfamil formula, as well as some blankets and clothes.

In addition, she noted that the donations were made by "sponsors from Cape Coral" and "other friends."

"Thanks to God, to José for the quick shipment; to Alejandra, Yurisleydis, Lourdes, to the girl I don't know, and to my unconditional support, Mayda," he pointed out.

The activist stated that they also made another visit and delivered a donation, in this case to warrior Frank, “who is one of our children with cerebral palsy, who is hospitalized.”

Fernández reported that his family was given food, diapers, and money.

"Thanks to those who supported me and continue to do so," she noted in her post.

The economic crisis in Cuba affects vulnerable groups, particularly small children, which makes requests for assistance for low-income families frequent.

Recently, Fernández himself sent clothing, food, disposable diapers, and medicine to people living in extreme poverty in the rural area of Santiago de Cuba.

Facebook capture / Yankiel Fernández

The activist shared on Facebook the moment when the people living in villages of the Sierra Maestra and other remote areas of the province received the donations.

Before, the activist made a call on social media to anyone who could collaborate with donations for the children and other residents in those communities who lack the most basic needs, such as food, clothing, and medicine.

In recent days, a Cuban family with three small children, who lost their humble home in a fire in the Altavista neighborhood of Santiago de Cuba, needs help to get back on their feet as they lost everything.

Facebook Capture/Adelaida La Tóxica

A Facebook post documented in images the deplorable state in which the place where the little house was located ended up.

"Any help would be enough for them. I make a call to society, here is the evidence that it is real," wrote on social media the young woman who asked for help for the family.

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