New facilities in the Family Reunification Program for Cubans

The U.S. government reminds that its Family Reunification Program allows Cubans to emigrate without waiting for a visa; with the approval of Form I-130, they can obtain a temporary stay permit (parole).

Familia cubana se reencuentra en EE.UU. © Redes Sociales
Cuban family reunites in the U.S.Photo © Social Networks

The United States Embassy in Cuba reaffirmed its commitment to the Family Reunification Program (CFRP) and announced that it has all the documentation in Spanish so that Cubans can get informed and succeed in reuniting with their relatives, without the need to wait for years for a visa.

In addition, there is a second facility for these migratory processes through legal means, the new guidance service through the Consular Navigator that offers information and additional assistance to those interested in participating in the CFRP.

Facebook United States Embassy in Cuba

The Cuban Family Reunification Parole Program (CFRP) was created in 2007, but it was inactive for a long period and has caused a lot of pain due to the endless wait for processing, with some cases unresolved for over 10 years. Since 2023, the Joe Biden Administration has resumed it, offering hope to many families who wish to reunite.

Recently, the U.S. Embassy in Havana announced that they have made access to the documentation easier. It is all in Spanish, so that users can follow the steps as needed.

A family petition can take more than 10 years to be approved. However, thanks to the CFRP, beneficiaries can receive a family reunification Parole, which is not a humanitarian parole, and obtain work permits while waiting for their permanent residency or green card in the United States.

This process is significantly faster and allows families to begin rebuilding their lives together on American soil. The downside is that the procedure must be restarted. The Form 1-131 that was previously requested is no longer valid; interested parties must submit a different document.

The main requirement to be eligible for this program is to have an approved Form I-130, a petition for claim that must be submitted by a U.S. resident or citizen.

Once this form is approved, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) may send an invitation to participate in the CFRP. It is important to note that neither the petitioner nor the family member in Cuba can directly request their participation.

Since the summer of 2023, the delivery of the first invitations has been reported, which depend entirely on the decision of the immigration authorities. Cubans who had been waiting for more than 10 years for their Family Reunification process have benefited from this type of parole, and some are already in the U.S.

Regarding the immigrants from the island, an additional advantage is that they can apply for permanent residency after one year and one day of their entry into the United States, thanks to the Cuban Adjustment Act. This aspect is crucial for those seeking stability and a secure future in the country.

Facebook U.S. Embassy in Cuba

The U.S. embassy in Havana promoted this program on its social media, as well as the Consular Navigator, highlighting the opportunities it offers to those who meet the established requirements.

Access to information in Spanish is part of the U.S. government's efforts to facilitate family reunification and support Cubans in their process of emigration through legal channels.

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