A Cuban in Jacksonville shares the advantages of living in this city: "I'm crazy for Latinos to come here."

The affordable rent, the fluidity of traffic, and the ease of finding employment are some of the advantages highlighted by this Cuban.

In a recent TikTok video, a Cuban resident in Jacksonville decided to share her experience about life in this city, highlighting the advantages of moving to this place.

One of the first advantages mentioned by the user @gretter___ is the cost of rent in Jacksonville. "Rent in Jacksonville is super affordable compared to other cities in Florida. A $1400 apartment has two bathrooms, two bedrooms, and is in a good location. A house costs $1800 with three bedrooms and two bathrooms, which is spectacular for families," she explains. Although she clarifies that rents can be higher depending on the area, the overall cost of living is generally more accessible compared to other cities in the state.

Another positive aspect that stands out is the city's traffic. "It's a large city but with low population density. So you'll never get stuck. A half-hour traffic jam never happens. The traffic is super friendly to people," he comments, emphasizing the convenience of getting around Jacksonville without facing long traffic jams.

The ease of finding a job is another positive point that the Cuban mentions in her video. "You can get a job easily. Not all are well-paid, but there are many jobs. In a week, you can find work," she states, highlighting the availability of job opportunities for those looking to settle in the city.

Finally, she expresses her desire for more Latinos to move to Jacksonville, showing her enthusiasm for seeing the Hispanic community grow in the city. "I am excited for Latinos to come here," she concludes enthusiastically.

This Cuban has found in Jacksonville an ideal place to live, highlighting aspects that may be decisive for others considering moving to a city in Florida.

However, this Cuban also mentions that Jacksonville has bad things in another video. "This is not the city of dreams," she acknowledges, before mentioning that it is a violent city. "Then the city is horrible because there are no nice things. The beach is also ugly," says this Cuban, who also comments that there is discrimination.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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