Maybe yes, how envious I am.

This Sunday, Venezuelans will be able to shake off Maduro's regime.

Elecciones Venezuela 2024 ©
Elections Venezuela 2024Photo ©

This Sunday, Venezuelans will be able to do something that Cubans cannot: choose. Despite all the abuses of Maduro's regime against the Venezuelan opposition, the trampling of rights, and the continuous violations of human rights, Venezuelans will be able to choose an alternative to the regime supported by the Castro dictatorship.

On Sunday, they will be able to go out and choose the change. Perhaps the elections are rigged, perhaps the trick is embedded in the systems programmed by the UCI, perhaps the communist-like "observers" like Zapatero will try to legitimize the fraud.

As seen in the images from the ruling party's previous events, even his mother won't vote for Maduro. In contrast, Venezuelans have mobilized massively around María Corina Machado, on an unprecedented scale; it will be difficult to hide such a wave at the polls.

Perhaps, despite everything, fraud will prevail and all the effort will be in vain. Perhaps, despite an opposition victory, Maduro will use the army to stay in power. He has already made threats. Anything can happen.

In any case, on Sunday the Venezuelans will go out to do something that we Cubans cannot. I feel good envy. I'm happy for them, but I also want for us what they have.

Perhaps the freedom of Venezuela is the first step towards the freedom of Cuba.


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Opinion article: The statements and opinions expressed in this article are solely the responsibility of its author and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of CiberCuba.

Luis Flores

CEO and co-founder of When I have time, I write opinion articles about the Cuban reality from the perspective of an emigrant.

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