Leo Leyva shares the first photos with Iraisel after rekindling their relationship: "What if you marry me?"

Although they had been spotted together in their stories, these are the first photos that Leo Leyva posts with Iraisel on Instagram.

Iraisel y Leo Leyva © Instagram / Leo Leyva
Iraisel and Leo LeyvaPhoto © Instagram / Leo Leyva

Iraisel Pintueles and Leonardo Leyva, known as King Leo, rekindled their relationship a few months ago. A new opportunity for their love story, of which their followers have been able to witness through the stories they have been posting on Instagram. However, until now, neither of them had shared photos on their wall.

The one in charge of making it official that they are together is the Cuban volleyball player with some photos in which they appear on a beach posing for the camera.

"Hogar eres tú" was the only thing the athlete wrote in the post description. "I love you," replied the young woman.

Although these are the first photos since his return that Leo Leyva shares, the comments left on all his posts for weeks say it all: they are more in love than ever!

Without going any further, next to one of the last photos that Iraisel posted, he commented: "What if you marry me?". Is a wedding coming soon?

Instagram Capture

Dedications and love comments are common among the couple.

"You think you ask for too much until someone comes along and gives it to you without you asking," wrote Iraisel next to her latest post. Words that are clearly meant for her guy... Long live love!

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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