Now! Iraisel and Leo make their romance official with a photo together: "You are something else apart"

Less than a year after announcing their breakup, the Cuban couple resumes their relationship.

Iraisel y Leo Leyva © Instagram / Leo Leyva
Iraisel and Leo LeyvaPhoto © Instagram / Leo Leyva

Iraisel Pintueles and Leonardo Leyva, known as King Leo, announced last year that they were ending their relationship as a couple. After a year of love, the two young Cubans parted ways.

But surprisingly, rumors of reconciliation sparked a few weeks ago when they posted photos coinciding in the same place. Suspicions that were intensifying with comments and appearances together. However, it was not until now that they have confirmed it...

The athlete has been in charge of officially announcing the news with a photo that he uploaded to Instagram stories, which she later reposted as well.

"You are something else", wrote the volleyball player about the image, in which the couple is looking at the camera.

Instagram screenshot

This image comes just a few days after the athlete reacted to a video of Iraisel moving his waist. "More waist movement than Shakira, look if that's something," Leo Leyva told him.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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